A video homily by Father Jim and the Liturgy of the Word for Palm Sunday

Dear St. Joe’s parishioners,

We are sharing with you today a video homily offered by Fr. Jim Bleackley OMI for Palm Sunday, as well as the Liturgy of the Word for use at home. The script includes links to some audio-visual content, such as the Arioso from Bach performed on our church’s organ. Thanks again to all involved in producing this weekend’s material, including Fr. Jim, Jamie Loback, Roshene and Keira Lawson, and Tom Fagan.

Resources for Palm Sunday 2020:

Parish Update for 5 April 2020

  •  The St. Joe’s Food Bank: This week, the St. Joe’s Food Bank served 45 people in the Sandy Hill community by appointment. Ryan Mitchell is providing this service and asked me to convey to the parish faithful his thanks for the many offers of help, including volunteer support and donations. At the moment, following the guidelines of the Ottawa Food Bank, Ryan is the only one working in the food bank and thanks to the system of scheduled appointments, he is able to manage the present level of demand. We will let our community know once the situation around the pandemic and shut-down allows us to again invite volunteers to help. The Ottawa Food Bank has been providing St. Joe’s with most food donations. If you would like to donate, the best way at this time would be through Canada Helps. Please select “Supper Table” from the drop-down menu and indicate in the message field “Food Bank” so that we can allocate your donation to this program. Thank you! Canada Helps: http://www.st-josephs.ca/about/donations/
  • The Sunday collection for March 29, 2020 was $3,930. If you normally use envelopes and would like to continue donating during this period, please consider using Canada Helps: http://www.st-josephs.ca/about/donations/ . We are grateful for your continued support of the Parish, especially as many of our expenses continue even when we are closed.
  • Outreach to isolated parishioners: For those parishioners who are in isolation and need supplies brought to them, we have parishioners and young adults who are willing to help you out. Please reach out to Andrew Pump by email at apump@st-josephs.ca if you need anything, even just a phone call to see how you are doing!

We are planning some more audio-visual material for Holy Week and Easter. Please stay tuned!

Take Care,


Christopher Adam

Executive Director

St. Joseph’s Parish

Tel.: 613-233-4095, ext. 223

An inclusive community, in collaborative ministry with the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate

4 thoughts on “A video homily by Father Jim and the Liturgy of the Word for Palm Sunday”

  1. Thank you for sharing your pascal journey so simply in sincerity and depth of love . Your story puts a face on the Mystery we live this week, thank you so much.

  2. Thank you to all who are involved in putting together this Liturgy of the Word. It is greatly appreciated and nourishing. Your homily, Fr. Jim, is very encouraging at this time when we are experiencing our lack of control over our daily lives.

  3. So grateful for everyone’s efforts to nurture and unite us with the Word and song and prayer. Blessings!

  4. Fr. Jim thank you for your uplifting words. You always say what I need to hear. Your faith reveals reverence, love, humility, patience, and surrender.

    How blessed are we to have such a man in our midst.

    God Bless.


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