A St. Joe’s evening of listening and learning with Kateri Native Ministry

St. Joseph’s Parish Pastoral Council has committed to making Reconciliation our pastoral focus this year. As part of this commitment, the Parish hosted an evening gathering with Donna Naughton, Executive Director of Kateri Native Ministry, on Thursday, November 18, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. in our church. We had the opportunity to listen and to learn about Kateri Native Ministry’s work in the area of healing and Reconciliation. In particular, we learned about the Kendaasawin Program, which brings Indigenous awareness to communities and individuals, and supports healing through an embrace of both Traditional and Christian heritages.

We produced the video recording below of Donna’s presentation. As it is recorded in the church there is an echo. We recommend that you set your volume on high when watching the video.

In support of Kateri Native Ministry’s work in Reconciliation and healing, St. Joseph’s Parish has launched a special fundraising campaign that will run through Advent. We invite parishioners and friends in the broader community to contribute to this special collection – all proceeds will be given to Kateri Native Ministry at the end of our parish campaign.  Additionally, St. Joseph’s Parish will match parishioner contributions to Kateri by up to a total of $10,000. You will be able to track the progress of this fundraising campaign on our parish website each week.

On behalf of Parish Pastoral Council and the Parish Team:

Donna Rietschlin

Christopher Adam
Executive Director

A Prayer from our evening gathering with Kateri Native Ministry

Creator, bless our time together this evening.  We come to listen and to learn.  We want to become allies. Jesus, help us unite as one body, to honour one another and to care for one another. Spirit of God, give us the grace to see you in one another, to hear your call, to speak words of peace and reconciliation and to support one another in our sacred journey. We ask this together. Amen

Join St. Joe’s in supporting Kateri Native Ministry

We invite you to join the St. Joseph’s Parish fundraising campaign in support of Kateri Native Ministry. St. Joseph’s Parish will issue a 2021 tax receipt for all donations received as part of this campaign and donations will be forwarded in full to Kateri Native Ministry at the end of this initiative. The Parish will match parishioner contributions up to a total of $10,000.

You can contribute beginning Thursday, November 18, 2021 and until the end of Advent in the following ways:

  • Using our Special Envelopes: Use our special envelopes to donate by cheque written to St. Joseph’s Parish, cash or complete the credit card authorization form included in each envelope.
  • A one-time auto-debit donation: If you already give through auto-debit, you can authorize a one-time auto-debit donation by email. Please include the amount you would like to donate and email: frontdesk@st-josephs.ca
  • A one-time credit card donation processed via telephone: We can accept and process securely donations made through Visa and Mastercard. Please call: 613-233-4095, ext. 251.

By contributing using the options listed above, 100% of your donations will go to Kateri. There will be no processing fees. 

Tracking the St. Joseph’s Campaign In Support of Kateri Native Ministry

Total collected as of Sunday, December 12, 2021: $6,605.00.


We will share weekly updates on the total raised as part of this initiative on this page. Please check back periodically to see our progress.

Thank you for your support!

[Updated: December 15, 2021]

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