Seventeenth Sunday of Ordinary Time Bulletin and Papal Visit

Printable Bulletin 

July 25 bulletin

Cards for Fr. Jim

As you all are aware, Fr Jim will be leaving us at the end of July.  There is a card box, cards with envelops, blank index cards, markers and pens on a table at the back of the Church following all weekend Masses, July 16/17 and July 23/24.  Drop by the table and create a note for Fr Jim and put it in the box.  You may also  bring a card from home and put it in the box. He will  receive the box at the Masses on July 30/31.

Farewell to Fr. Jim Bleackley and Summer BBQ

As you may be aware, Fr. Jim Bleackley will be leaving St. Joes at the end of July. To thank him and wish him well, we will be holding a BBQ on Thursday July 28th from 5:30pm to 8:00pm.
This is also a great opportunity to renew friendships which have been put on pause due to COVID for the past two years. The BBQ will be held on the new expanded deck and the various room upstairs on the third floor of the rectory.
We will be BBQing hamburgers and hot dogs accompanied with salads and desserts and a variety of beverages. Some entertainment will be presented as well. If you plan to attend and prefer to have a vegie burger, please let us know when you confirm your attendance.
To cover the cost, we are asking for a free-will donation. Typically, $5 a person would help to cover the costs. A box will be available to drop off your donation.
Please e-mail Terry Byrne at no later than Tuesday July 26th if you plan to attend.
To add to the atmosphere, we encourage you to wear some brightly coloured clothes. The organizing committee looks forward to welcoming you to this fun-filled evening.

Events at local churches during the Pope’s visit, a 1-page prayer ritual, and more

Pope Francis’ pastoral visit to Canada is a unique opportunity for him, once a

gain, to listen and dialogue with Indigenous Peoples, The following activities are being planned around this important event. Please consider participating.

As Canadians and as Catholics, we are all invited to walk the path of reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples. Join us at Canadian Martyrs church, 100 Main Street, at 4 p.m. on Sunday, July 24, for a half-hour prayer service for reconciliation as Pope Francis’ visit to Canada begins.

On Tuesday, July 26th at 12:00 noon EST, the Holy Father will celebrate an open-air Mass at Commonwealth Stadium in Edmonton. This mass will be streamed live at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church located at 44 Rothesay Drive in Kanata.
To attend, please contact our reception at 613-836-1764 or through email:

Please join us for noon mass at St. Joe’s parish, 151 Laurier Ave. E., on Thursday, July 28, where we will offer our prayers of support and intercession for the Pope’s visit. Afterwards, we will gather for a short time of discussion, fellowship and prayerful support over a coffee. If you have any questions, please email:

4)Galilee Centre: We invite everyone to attend screenings of the events of the Pope’s Visit to Canada at the Galilee Centre on Monday July 25th and Tuesday July 26th.

These events will be screened in the Oak Room. For more information about our program, please click on the following link..

Screenings of the Pope’s Visit to Canada – Galilee Centre

Pope’s visit prayer ritual

letter_papal_visit_collection_GBL_20220722 (002)

NOTE: The Ontario Public Health recommendations to reduce the spread of COVID are strongly encouraged for those attending. Please refer to their website for guidance.

Refugee Outreach Committee Update

Thank you, St. Joseph Parishioners and friends, for your generosity, in support of our Refugee Outreach Committee’s  (ROC) June collection. 

We are presently seeking sponsorship for a mother and daughter, in refugee circumstances, in Amman, Jordan. They are seeking permanent residency here, with their family in Ottawa.$4,180.00 was raised from the collection and we are now within $2,500.00 of meeting the $33.000.00 required for the start-up and monthly living expenses required for their first settlement year. Should you be able to help fund our ROC projects, please contact John Weir .We are grateful for your continued support in helping people who seek refuge, finding asylum as our neighbours.

Thank you to the Royal LePage Shelter Foundation

Thank you to the Royal LePage Shelter Foundation for the generous donation of $5,000 to the St. Joe’s Women’s Centre! We are grateful for this support of our outreach programming.

St Joe’s Women’s Centre 2022 School Supply Drive

We are asking for donations of individual school supplies and/or school bags filled with supplies for students in either elementary or high school. We are requesting that the school supplies be dropped off no later than Friday August 12th, 2022.

For drop-offs at the Women’s Centre, our hours are from Monday to Friday, 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. You also have the option of leaving the school supplies at the front desk of the Parish Office.

School Supplies Needed:

    • School Bags (Elementary & High School)
    • Lunch Bags
    • Pencil Cases
    • Pencils
    • Pens
    • Pencil Crayons
    • Erasers
    • Rulers
    • Glue Sticks
    • Scissors
    • Loose-Leaf Paper
    • Notebooks
    • 3-Ring Binders
    • Highlighters
    • Scientific Calculators
    • Compass/Protractors
    • French/English Dictionaries
    • * Staples Gift Cards

Did you know?:
St. Joe’s Women’s Centre has a wonderful partnership with Staples! Each dollar donated (monetary or gift card) is approximately doubled!!

For more information please contact:
Jane Tenthorey, Program Coordinator,
St. Joe’s Women’s Centre.
613-231-6722 or

Thank you very much for all your support!

New Children’s Choir and a New Staff Member

St Joe’s is happy to announce the launch of a new children’s choir program! Starting September 2022, all children ages 6 to 15 are invited to join the choir. No experience necessary! Fun-filled rehearsals will take place weekly after the 9:30am mass, and the choir will sing during 9:30am mass one Sunday per month.

The choir will be directed by Andrea MacWilliams who completed her Bachelor of Music in Composition at the University of Ottawa in 2017. In addition to her participation in St. Joe’s Music Ministry since 2012, she has sought choral leadership opportunities with positions such as Assistant Conductor of the Ottawa Catholic School Board children’s choirs and Apprentice Conductor of the Capital Chamber Choir. She is delighted to join the staff at St. Joe’s as Associate Music Director, to launch the brand new Children’s Choir in September 2022, and to continue developing the Young Adult Music Ministry at the University Mass. Reach out to her at to ask questions or get involved.


Young families in our parish are hoping to get to know one another.  Over the past 2 years many young families have not been able to attend in person events at St Joe’s for many reasons.  People are talking about moving forward together and would like to meet other families.  If you are interested in meeting other young families, please contact Kathleen Strader at and leave your name and contact information with her.

Parish Updates

Library News – July 24, 2022 – Titles about SPIRITUAL LIFE include – Skinner, C. Joy of keeping the faith, thriving in the Church after RCIA (BX2350.3.S76 2020), Welch, S. How to be a mindful Christian, 40 simple spiritual practices (BV4813.W36 2016), Jensen, E. Ignatius Loyola and you, Learning to become a Reflective Christian  (BX2179.L8J3 2018).


COVID Rapid Antigen Take Home Test Kits AVAILABE

 Tests are available at the FRONT OFFICE and can be picked up between Monday to Friday between 8am-4pm while supplies last. If you have any questions, please contact Kathleen, or 613-233-4095 ex 251.

Christian Meditation

Christian Meditation Update—Monday Morning Group

Monday morning Christian Meditation continues during the summer at 9:30. Exceptions are: Monday, August 1 and Monday September 5. These are Civic Holidays, and the parish facilities will be closed. If you have any questions, please contact George Martin at All  are welcome.

Wednesday Christian Meditation Sessions have resumed in person at 3pm in the Main Floor Meeting room. Please contact Chaplain Rick at 613-265-1652 for more information.

Friday Night Christion Meditation will return to the Oblate Lounge September 9, 2022.  If  you have any questions, please contact  Beth Smith at

Community News

Volunteers Needed — English Conversation Circle

The English Conversation Group enables participants to have a one on one conversation with a volunteer who speaks English fluently. The Group’s goal is to enable English language skills to be improved in a supportive , friendly and enjoyable way. We hold Zoom and in person sessions each Wednesday from 7pm to 8:30 pm. We welcome any parishioners who would like to be a volunteer or a participant.

For further info contact

Pastoral Volunteers wanted: Garry J. Armstrong Home, 200 Island Lodge Rd

The pandemic is slowing down, and our residents are looking forward to returning to some sense of normalcy. We are looking for Pastoral Volunteers that would be interested in visiting our Roman Catholic residents and enrich their spirituality.

Join our volunteer team here at Garry J. Armstrong Home and help make a difference in the lives of the residents! Orientation/training opportunities will be provided. Please contact Julien Roberge at 613 580 2424 ext. 22950 or  for more information.

Front Office
If you have questions or require, 2021 Tax Receipts, 2022 Church Envelopes, or 2022 Missals, [please contact the Front Office at 613-233-4095 or

Mass intentions are available on Wed., Thur., and Fri. during Noon Mass for a $15.00 donation. Please notify the Front Desk, for arrangements. Thank you!

Mass Intentions:

Wed. July 27th, 2022: Available
Thur. July 28th, 2022: Available
Fri. July 29th, 2022: Available

Prayers for those who are ill: Sheila Cuming, Vilma Awad, Catherine McDaid

Prayers for those who have died: Peter Nolan, Maureen Pinsonneault

To add a name to  the prayers for Sick or those who have died:  Email Kathleen in the  Front Office, We pray for those who are listed during the Prayers of the Faithful.

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